Thursday, October 2, 2014

Yellowjacket Mines (July 2, 2014)

A week before I made this trip, me and a friend had been backpacking up this area. He knew about the mines, so on the way down from our overnight backpacking trip, we dropped by the mines. We didn't go very far in because of our lack of proper gear, but decided to come back later.
I ended up coming back with the friend who showed them to me a week earlier and a third friend. We brought our climbing helmets and headlamps, along with cameras and lunch. Our hike in was about two and a half miles both ways. The trail wasn't too bad, but it crossed the stream multiple times.
As we neared the mines, we could see the tailing piles. There was also old mining equipment and the like. 

In all, there were 3 mines. The largest went about 350 ft. back before it ended. Someone had sealed the passage off. The second mine was smaller and went about 150 ft. back. The smallest mine went no more then 40 ft. back. These mines were really cool. Reading up on them was even cooler. There is so much history in the Uinta Mountains.


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